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Species Irreth
Factions Vigilant, Project Theta, Grand Order of Avalon (formerly)
Age Unknown (Potentially nearing a hundred years of age).
Status Alive
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Vito, is an Irreth member of the Vigilant and one of the five affiliated with Theta. He fulfills the role of leadership within the team, taking command of his squadmates and utilizing their abilities to maximum effect. Outside of Theta his complement of skills allows him to act as a peerless assassin within the shadowy ranks of his organization's dark underbelly.


  • His coat of black scales have taken on a metallic sheen due to his extensive cybernetic augmentation.
  • His artificial eyes are of a deep violet hue.
  • He practices a habitual stillness which denies subconsious movement.


Vito most often maintains a polite and solemn demeanor, however this attitude softens when dealing with his teammates, whom he is quite close to. He prefers to spend his down time training, studying, or meditating with or without his colleagues.


When on a mission his sharp mind and quick appraisal of the situation enable him to be a skilled tactician, a fact in which ensures that he will continue to lead Theta for the forseeable future. In addition he is possessed of enhanced reflexes and kinesthetic awareness, rendering him a lethal hunter that ambushes his opponents where and when they least expect it.