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Species Valeynx
Factions Vigilant, Grand Order of Avalon (formerly)
Age Unknown
Status Alive
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Nyx, is an Valeynx member of the Vigilant and the commandress of the Shades of Tyton.


Possessed of pale skin and onyx feathers, Nyx's eyes are of a deep violet hue. She is said to be tall, slender, and uncomfortably bereft of subconsious movement.


Nyx most often maintains a grim, solemn demeanor. This attitude can soften however when dealing with the veteran officers of her own forces, whom she is quite close to.


When on a mission her sharp mind and quick appraisal of a situation enable her to be a skilled tactician, a fact in which ensures that she will continue to lead the Shades for the forseeable future. In addition she is said to be endowed with enhanced reflexes and kinesthetic awareness, rendering her a lethal hunter that ambushes his opponents where and when they least expect it.

Notable Equipment

Nyx is known wielding a modified Wascaelic Pulse-spear named the Nightstalker's Lance.