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Al-Jacar is the main character of Unbroken and a Field Lieutenant in the Vigilant.


As of the writing of this article, Al-Jacar has had only eight lines of dialogue. However, as a man who speaks only when he has something worth saying, his words grant us deep insight and understanding of his personality. Furthermore, it would hardly be an "argument" to say that these eight lines of dialogue are perhaps the most salient and indispensable in Unbroken. They are as follows:

Who called in the fleet?

Al-Jacar, whose inquiry was both a direct question to those underneath his care and command and a deeper rumination on the nature of power as it exists in a societal context.

My pleasure.

Al-Jacar, revealing that he is, at heart, a grateful man who expresses gratitude not only to those who need it most, but to all who have truly earned the coveted honor of his respect.

Goodie, mate, we'll be there in a moment.

Al-Jacar, speaking reassuring words to a subordinate officer hardly worth mentioning, boldly and swiftly leading the Vigilant to new horizons; horizons they will reach "in a moment."

So, who are we spying on today, commander? First the Keilicaela, now something called the Juareq.

Al-Jacar, subtly criticizing the underhanded nature of his faction's agenda, as he is a man who much prefers honest work done in the light as opposed to dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

I've the authority to leave one of my Seekers within your care; they're a highly trained tracker unit fit for your low profile search and rescue mission.

Al-Jacar, generously offering one of his most valuable assets to some side character or another as a show of good faith; something with which he is brimming.

So be it. Goodbye, Commander, and may you find your quarry.

Al-Jacar, bidding the aforementioned side character a good journey and spreading his trademark brand of mirth for which he is known across the Milky Way and Andromeda.

Plot an interception course for that ship.

Al-Jacar, taking charge and leading with confidence.

Alright, as far as we know, they haven't spotted us yet.

Al-Jacar, displaying a level of tact and grace rarely seen by lesser men.

Rare though these nuggets of dialogue may be, they teach us everything we need to know about Al-Jacar: Al-Jacar is a caring and compassionate--yet confident and strong-willed--leader of men who speaks his mind truthfully and openly when he is called upon by those who trust him. Without his sage advice, the Vigilant may have crumbled decades ago. He is a leader for the ages, pushing his people forward into a future forged by his own hands. He understands the power dynamic of the Vigilant (for, indeed, who did call in the fleet?) and how to use his resplendent grace to respectfully climb his way to the top. Through generosity and mirth, he steers the Vigilant away from the shadows of subterfuge and into glorious battle--for Al-Jacar, what greater cause is there?


  • Al-Jacar is more important than Avaene, Nikan, Vespid, and every other so-called "primary" character; this is due to his nature as Unbroken's ultimate and true main protagonist.