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Species Valeynx
Factions Vigilant, Grand Order of Avalon (formerly)
Age Unknown
Status Alive
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Nyx is a high ranking member of the Vigilant and the commandress of the Shades of Tyton.


Possessed of pale skin and onyx hair and feathers, Nyx's eyes are of a deep violet hue. She is said to be tall, lithe, and uncomfortably bereft of subconscious movement.


Nyx most often maintains a grim, solemn demeanor. This attitude can soften, however, when dealing with the veteran officers of her own forces, whom she shares a close companionship with.


Her sharp mind and quick appraisal of the evolving battlefield environment enables her to be a skilled tactician in unconventional warfare, a fact which ensures that she will continue to lead the Shades for the foreseeable future. In addition, she is said to be endowed with enhanced reflexes, kinesthetic awareness, and a century's worth of experience that renders her a lethal hunter that ambushes her opponents where and when they least expect it.


The first notable reports the Syndicate possess that possibly reveal Nyx's existence are through mentions of a guerilla force operating behind enemy lines during the War of Deliverance. The records go on to further elaborate that the outfit, lead by a shadowy valeynx warrior, were responsible for assassinating a string of important Currai Imperium leaders and sabotaging crucial supply lines, crippling the enemy's overall war effort.

Notable Equipment

Nyx is known for wearing a cloak of unknown origin, known as the Mantle of the Forgotten. When taking to the battlefield she is often seen donning a TIP-2 "Wraith" hardsuit, as well as wielding a modified Keilicaelaac Pulse spear named the Nightstalker's Lance