Antarress Celauku

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Antarress Celauku
Placeholder item.png
Species Ashderian
Factions Ashderian Regime
Age 114
Status Alive
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Commander Antarress Celauku is the captain of the Aquilae and second-in-command of the First Fleet.




Early life

Antarress was born in 872 PRE to parents in the Aquilae's flotilla as they searched the Andromeda Galaxy for the refugees sent through Cybil's River to escape the Currai Imperium. From a very early age, she demonstrated interest in the military, and showed initiative in taking the first steps in training to become part of the flotilla's military personnel.

For most of her childhood, she received yRivioki military training of some sort. After high aptitude scores and exemplary performance in leadership exercises demonstrated high potential for starship command, she was put through specialized command training whilst only being the Ashderian equivalent of an older teenager. This resulted in her being commissioned as an officer as soon as she became an adult. It was around this time that the Aquilae and its flotilla was recalled to assist with the large-scale Tyriit attack on the Vokyran Ascendancy.


During the flotilla's fight to evacuate Voyakarai, the command crew of the Masa'kari, a frigate designed to be deployed from the Aquilae, would be knocked out. Despite having no experience, Antarress was in a moments notice put in command of the vessel, where she would serve with distinction until the end of the conflict.

After the conflict had concluded, Antarress would stay in command of the Masa'kari. She would emerge as a loud voice of opposition in the plan to reintegrate the flotilla with the remnants of the Ascendancy, believing that any future represented by the Ascendancy had disintegrated. Her opposition would be instrumental in preventing the integration, proving a staunch loyalty to the flotilla and its people.

As the flotilla roamed the Milky Way in search of new beginnings, Antarress would hone her skills and build her command experience in combat against a massively diverse range of dangerous alien opponents. It was here that her combat resume was most built out, and the experience she gained here would set her apart from others during the Gray Storm.

Forged by the Corruption

When the Corruption began its rampage across the galaxy, the Ascendancy once again sought out to reintegrate the flotilla, and once again, Antarress staunchly opposed their reintegration. After a nasty string of incidents where the Corruption chased the flotilla across a not inconsiderable portion of the Galaxy, the flotilla would end up turning to the Ascendancy for help.

Antarress, despite all that had happened, still was skeptical of integration. It was at this point that she was approached by a certain Nikanicreon Dara'croix-- the one who would have strategic command over the flotilla if they were to integrate. Antarress was resentful of the current leadership of the flotilla, and blamed them for lives lost and missteps that had almost destroyed the entire flotilla. Nikan listened to her frustrations, and agreed with her assessments. After the two built up a rapport, Antarress eventually, and reluctantly, agreed to pledge support for reintegration, which was the policy that eventually won out.

Once they were integrated, Nikan initiated a gutting of the leadership of the flotilla; the current leadership had grown too old and stuck in their ways. He knew exactly who was going to replace them, and at the top of that chain was Antarress. Nikan gave her command of the Aquilae. She was dumbfounded, but accepted. Her experience against diverse foes, tenacity, and ferocity had made her the top pick for Nikan. He needed someone with violence of action, and able to think outside the box when fighting the Corruption. She was it.

Modern day

Under the strategic command of Nikan, and the First Fleet, Antarress would go on to continue to distinguish herself in command of the Aquilae against the Corruption. So much so, that she retained her command of the vessel once the Crusades against the Corruption had finished. To this day, she remains as one of Nikan's most valuable commanders, and trusted friends.