Ashderian Regime

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Ashderian Regime
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Major Species Ashderian
Homeplanet Originates from Voyakarai; now operates from habitation vessels in orbit of High K'Kero within an uncharted magnetar; has some presence on Namine
Year Founded Sometime after 895 PRE
Leaders Nikanicreon Dara'croix
Status Active
Notable Allies Alarian Splinter Empire of Namine, Vigilant
Notable Enemies Tyriit, the Corruption, Holy Conglomerate of Litiket, the Heretics
Other Affiliations One of the Syndicate powers

The Ashderian Regime is the sole known remnant of the expatriated Vokyran Ascendancy, currently operating out of High K'Kero and aboard habitation vessels in seclusion.


Principally comprised of Ashderians, the Regime is a moderately authoritarian state maintaining an isolated branch, multi-level government system and mixed economy like their precursors. The Regime has participated in several major galactic events, and is notably allied with the Vigilant and forms the Syndicate along with their longtime Vigilant allies, the Empire of Namine, and the Alarian Splinter. The Regime is lead by the elected former Navarch, Nikanicreon of Voyakarai, and an executive cabinet of administrators.


The Ashderian Regime has a storied lineage, able to claim descent from the Vokyran Ascendancy, the Enlightened Ones, and (to their shame) the Currai Imperium. The Regime was formed sometime after the Fall of Voyakarai in 895 PRE, wherein Ashderian civilization on Voyakarai was toppled by the Tyriit in a bloody genocide. The Ashderian Regime is comprised of the survivors of the attack: namely, the First Fleet, the Aquilae, and its flotilla. In 963 PRE, the Regime would join the Armada of Namine's Fire in its Great Crusade against the Corruption. The Armada was successful in their mission by 976 PRE, and the entente shared between all powers involved in the crusade resulted in the creation of the Syndicate in 980 PRE.


The Ashderian Regime's governmental structure is a skeleton of what the Vokyran Ascendancy's was; the Juridical Protectorate has all but been completely destroyed, with only the Sahldari and expansive historical archives remaining. The Combinate Assembly is still in operation, and is arguably the largest of the governmental factions. The Assembly's domain mainly resides within the Regime's habitation vessels, as leaders of the massive civilian population which is currently aboard the vessels. The military branch, otherwise known as the Riviok, is also still in operation. The Riviok, like before, still handle all matters regarding protection and war. The Executive Branch is operative as necessary with the ongoing extended crisis status, and is led by a leader and an administration of officials.

Without the framework provided by the Protectorate, the meritocratic policies of government admission for the Combinate Assembly have been reduced. This has the effect of letting more of the common people into the government, but also has reduced the number of confirmed qualified officials serving. Most pointedly, it has increased the chances of corruption and self-serving individuals hijacking policy and laws.

The Riviok's admission policies are inherently different, which has allowed them to skirt some of the effects of the lack of Juridical Protectorate framework.

Current Status

The Regime is currently operating under an extended crisis status, which instates the Executive Branch for quick decisions in emergency or sensitive situations. Nikanicreon Dara'croix is currently the elected Executive Sovereign of this branch.

Without the Juridical Protectorate to maintain order, proper functioning, corruption control, and maintain checks and balances between governmental branches, relations between the branches have been deteriorating. The Combinate Assembly is concerned about the power the Executive branch currently exercises, rationalizing that an executive system which gives large amounts of decision-making power to a group of oligarchs is an outdated method of government prone to corruption and dictatorialism. The Riviok, however, openly side with the Executive Branch, specifically Nikan's administration. The resulting political friction has had destabilizing effects within the government, with some fearing that continuation in such a manner will lead the nation down a path similar to the one walked by Currai Imperium in antiquity.

For decades, the Regime has been aggressively seclusionist, hiding their fleet, habitation vessels, and the space station known as High K'Kero around a volatile and uncharted magnetar. There has been a political movement calling for outward expansion and military buildup from many Riviok leaders and several officials in the Executive branch, much to the dismay of the Combinate Assembly.


Logistically, the Regime is limited but reasonably stable. However, years of seclusion, hostile encounters with various species, an unsecure galactic presence, and the effects of the considerable losses in the Andromeda galaxy at the hands of the Tyriit have taken their toll on morale. Not having a secure sense of prosperity (or even survival), few within the Regime are birthing children. The result is population decline: a dire circumstance with only 720 million Ashderians left, perhaps in the entire universe.


  • Officially, the Regime still operates under the name of its precursor: "Vokyran Ascendancy." However, the misnomer "Ashderian Regime" became a popular name among other powers as a descriptor for the current iteration of the Ashderian nation.