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Balnetin is the homeplanet of the Timanrans[1].


Balnetin is composed of four continents that were once as one, like Earth's Pangaea super-continent. The Balnetin super-continent was divided into four nation-states, each populated by a different species. The nation-states warred ceaselessly--due to this, certain beings of great supernatural power split the super-continent into four separate, smaller continents, based off of the borders of the nation-states.

The newly-separated continents began to develop their own cultures and advancements; for instance, the Human continent developed industrialization, the Timanran continent became focused on agriculture, the Nasria (a feline species) became a hunter/gather society, and finally, the Verxin (a vulpine species) evolved into scientific/cultural leaders. It is worth noting that a given species' specialization is not exclusive to that species.

Sometime after the continental separation, an asteroid passed by Balnetin close enough to be caught in the gravitational pull of the planet's moon. This asteroid, effectively a second moon within the orbit of the original, would be named "Kaudien," and the original moon would be christened "Guendien." Studies have shown that Kaudien changes the direction of its orbit every few hundred years for reasons unknown--furthermore, these alterations in the orbit of Kaudien have a direct and measurable effect on Guendien's orbit, inexplicably causing earthquakes to occur on Balnetin. The more devout, pious, and/or demented of Balenetin's inhabitants equate the earthquakes to be either a blessing or curse from the gods. Scientists dismiss such claims while attempting to find a more rational explanation for such an irrational phenom

Timanrans would be the first of the species to explore the seas after the continental separation. The Timanrans would go on to launch expeditions to the Nasrian lands; however, these voyages would often result in warlike violence. In spite of this, the two species eventually came to a mutual understanding, allowing a sort of peace to exist between the two.

Notable Inhabitants


  • Balnetin's name means "vast waters" in Timanran.
  • The inhabitants of Balnetin refer to the continents as "islands." Whether this is because of a lack of education, cultural reasons, or the planet being mostly water, remains to be seen.


  1. Gay faggots