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Pleasure and pain are the same thing.

Bryan, in a PTSD-induced fervor

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Species Vasacar
Factions Vigilant Reclamation Force, Project Theta, Galactic Order of Avalon (formerly)
Age 32 Galactic Standard Years
Status Alive
Height 7'2
Weight 290 lbs

Vito (otherwise known as Theta 1), is a member of the Vigilant Reclamation Force and one of the five affiliated with Project Theta.


  • Vito measures to a height of 7' 2".
  • Does not have feathers, and instead has flexible metallic plates that resemble the scales of a reptile.
  • The color of his scales are a titanium black with charcoal grey stripes across his arms, legs, tail, and neck.
  • Cybernetic augmentations can be seen practically all over his body.
  • His artificial eyes glow a deep violet.
  • A large jagged scar can be seen under his left eye.


Vito has a very serious demeanor most of the time. When on a mission, the nigh-severe solemn side of his personality shines brightest, as his cogitation and the sharp appraises of others makes him a great tactician. Though there is no technical "leader" of Theta, Vito would be the best candidate for such a title as the other members of the project treat him as their squad-leader. Off-mission he can most commonly be found in one of the training rooms on the Mercy, or in the Vanguard's observation/meditation room.