Negative Space Station

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The Negative Space Station is a structure located in the within the Veil of Webs.


The station was created approximately 500 years ago, in the year 486 PRE. The group that would come to build the station were eco-conscious individuals who were, through whatever means, capable of noticing the damage that was being done to the Veil as a result of faster-than-light travel and Veil manipulation. Ultimately, this group's goal was to add strands back to the Veil by removing Veil effects from the Root Universe and returning them to the Veil. It is unknown what, if any, jurisdiction this group operated under, so it cannot be said if they were sanctioned Veil manipulators or spoofers. The station once abided within the Root Universe until it disappeared into the Veil itself after a hundred years of trying to pull illusions out of the Root Universe. It eventually settled in one of many pocket dimensions within the Veil, which the inhabitants of the station call Negative Space. Operations to study and repair the Veil have been ongoing from within the station's pocket dimension.


There are many sections within the station to accommodate each type of creature living inside the station. The station's layout is primarily broken into:

  • Residential rings
  • World Weavers
  • Depraved Entity Containment Units

Current State of Affairs

The station is currently searching for ways to either create new Veil strands (something only ever done before by Singularities) or are trying to pull existing Veil manifestations out of the Root Universe; both have been entirely unsuccessful, with only simulations showing possible ways to accomplish either goal.


  • Those onboard the stations frequently consider themselves nonexistent. This notion may be a paranoid delusion stemming from trauma caused by frequent Veil exposure.