Fenix Correlation

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The Fenix Correlation is a sapio-synthetic collective artificial intelligence created by the Prime Ancestors, whose primary directive is to facilitate the growth of the Ancestor's descendants and index all recorded phenomena.


  • Fenix is made of several thousand Ancillas working in conjunction to behave as a single mind.
  • Depending on the technological capabilities of Ancilla-class AIs (which are currently unknown,) the Fenix Correlation may be the most powerful supercomputer/AI in the Unbroken lore.
  • The AIs' "decisions" are made by putting the order through each singular unit, thus making up the mind of the collective.
  • Due to having so many differently coded AIs, the Correlation may act like it has emotion, however it is just a conflict of AI protocols.
  • Two AI have been sheared off of Fenix for use by the Collective: Jakob and Cinetik.