Phar'annica Kirakoy

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Specialist Phar'annica Kirakoy, (Better known as Phar'annic, or less commonly, Pharrec) formerly a vigilante and space-craft bandit, is a direct field agent of Sovereign Nikanicreon Dara'croix.

Phar'annica Kirakoy
Placeholder item.png
Species Ashderian
Factions Ashderian Regime
Age Unknown
Status Alive
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Early Life

To be added.


Once fabled to have molten metal coursing through his veins by his compatriots, Phar'annic was known to be short-tempered, rebellious, and cunning. Driven by a seething hatred of all forms of societal authority, he would lash out at all who espoused it with extreme vitriol, and gained a reputation for his strong convictions on individuality. Phar'annic's fiery personality has been subdued by time, experience, and discipline, as well as threat of punishment for not complying with his imprisonment bond agreement.

While his true personality is sequestered, there are times where it rears its head with familiar ferocity, to the delight, and sometimes scorn of his current comrades.